Heavy Loving by Miles Mathis improved by  Satchidanand - Satanic human sacrificing Aztecs, Satanic human sacrificing Incas, Satanic human sacrificing Phoenicians of Baal and Molech were totally destroyed

"You might say, with Theoden, that you will not risk open war. But I reply, with Aragorn, that open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not. Embrace the conflict. Join forces with your allies. Because neither neutrality nor invisibility is an option, and you will either stand with them or you will fall alone." - Tolkien, Lord of the Rings.

"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12

I Miles Mathis, want to announce that I have now written about 30,000 pages, most of them published on my sites.


Tess with Whippet

now available again for the first time since 1995

contact me for details

The Miles Mathis Science Site http://mileswmathis.com/ and http://mileswmathis.com/updates.html

I Satchidanand have now published thousands of pages and publish 46 Free books  - Sign Up to get the Free Books and all my new articles - including Against Satanism in Nine volumes and my commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.


Dark Forces have used Infiltrating Bloodline Satanic 10,000 years old Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families which have existed running Global Trading Companies for thousands of years before the Birth of Christ.

Infiltrating and taking over the power structures in every country, using propaganda - emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves are Satanists, worshiping all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, Bel, Molech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis.

All these Satanic Gods are heartless Demons who have cut themselves off from the Energy of the One Good God, who have rejected God so as to live eternally, immortally.

Therefore they control humanity so as to steal and vampirise the energies of Humanity forever!

In this book we find that over thousands of years before the birth of Christ, spook, Bloodline Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, from their Phoenician Colonies in Ancient Egypt, Carthage, Rome, Venice and London, marrying in to, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family.

Their Phoenician sons and daughters pretending to be natives of Europe, Britain, America, India, Israel and China, using their Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire inheritances to get into positions of power to manage and control their human cattle in every country in the World!!

Download FREE! AGAINST SATANISM Volume 6 FREE!! Right Click and Save as..


The Satchidanand Energy Enhancement Meditation Site http://energyenhancement.org

The Satchidanand Against Satanism site https://againstsatanism.com/

So the complete works of 200 IQ Miles Mathis would already run to about 100 volumes. Pretty good, since I am still in my 50s and didn't start writing seriously until my late 30s. That is as prolific as anyone who ever wrote, as you can see by checking out the top-ten most prolific writers. Most of those people are pulp-fiction writers, whose works require no research and very little knowledge of anything. The exception is Isaac Asimov, who really was a spook. I get accused of it, but Asimov really was. He came out of the military and DARPA. Even so, I would consider his work pulp-science, since it is mostly propaganda with a little real science mixed in. His work never interested me at all, and I have never read more than a few pages. My guess is he really was a front for a Langley or Pentagon writing committee. Maybe someday I will prove it.

The great mathematician Euler—left off that list of course—published 92 volumes, but he started in his teens and continued to publish into his 70s. He is the only one worth looking at, since he was the only serious scholar in the group and the only one who did anything important or memorable. All the Stephen Kings and Isaac Asimovs will soon be forgotten, not to speak of Ursula Bloom.

But that is not why I am here today. I am here to ask you a question. Do you think there has ever been a 100-volume writer like Miles Mathis and Satchidanand of such quality who was completely ignored by the mainstream?

My enemies will say there have probably been a lot of people in insane asylums who filled 100 journals or more with ravings. But even my worst enemies don't believe I am in that category. Those people never outranked Wikipedia on hundreds of websearches, just for start, or had tens of thousands of fans, or influenced policy, or got recommended by graduates of Oxford and NASA physicists, or caused a panic at the CIA.

Those people never sparked a web-wide blanket of disinformation, censorship and slander, or led to the development of multiple Intel projects to contain them. So let me ask you again, can you name one 100-volume writer in history who was ignored by all publishers, censored by all government and academic outlets, and blacklisted by the media? I didn't think so.

You will say it is because I so viciously attack false mainstream science, false mainstream history, ugly Architecture, ugly mainstream art, ugly mainstream poetry and literature, and false flag and bought mainstream politics. Also "Music to suicide by" Frankfurt School Theodore Adorno. How could they possibly support me? Why wouldn't they do their best to resist me?

True, but we are led to believe that in the past non-government authors found publishers. British Secret Service Agents Marx and Engels are the first that come to mind and their totally created Communism and Socialism, successfully designed to destroy Russia and China and South America and now Europe, North America and Canada.

And a lot of scientists in the past disagreed vehemently with mainstream theory. The history of science used to be a history of opposition and disagreement. And yet very few of those people were shut down. Yes, Galileo was dragged before the Inquisition, but that was temporary. He was famous in his lifetime and remains famous. His works were known by the mainstream and are still known. He wasn't erased from history or even from the discourse of his time.

But the current overlords have instructed their minions to pretend I don't exist. Mention of me is struck from every mainstream discussion, site, and forum. The few fake sites that do mention me are instructed to slander me without ever addressing anything I have said. This despite the fact that I have now met all the top theories and scientists head-to-head and vanquished them. I have mounted the horse, put on the helmet, and jousted with everyone from Newton to Feynman, and the field is now littered with bloody and rotting corpses, who will never get on their feet again. They are done, with all their sad little followers. You haven't yet heard the report of it, but it is done all the same.

Mainstream physics is dead and I, 200 IQ Miles Mathis killed it single handedly. Quantum Mechanics, Quantum ElectroDynamics, solid state, astrophysics, geophysics, particle physics, nuclear physics, the standard model: all dead and all replaced with something far better that I and my science papers created.

In art, it is the same. Modernism and postmodernism are dead. They were never living, but I, 200 IQ Miles Mathis have cut down all the zombies with my single sword. They are lying in pools of gore with stakes through their craven hearts. It is all over and the only thing left is to rebuild on the ashes.

In history it is the same. With my two hands I, 200 IQ Miles Mathis have destroyed centuries of fake events and millennia of deception. There is no going back. Millions of living people have been permanently embarrassed and outed, and tens of millions of ghosts have been kicked into the waste heap of false creations.

You may think the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires can reverse this somehow, by killing me or burning all my books or nixing my websites. Some don't understand why they didn't do it long ago. But I know why: it is because they can't. They know life doesn't work that way. The first rule of this game is, YOU CANNOT UNDO WHAT HAS BEEN DONE. They can counter me, sure. They can respond. They can run projects against me, slander me, censor me, even kill me. But it won't work. None of that will reverse this. It has happened and it cannot be unhappened. It has been etched in time regardless, and they cannot un-etch time.

You may think that because they depend on our energy to live forever and we are their energy livestock that they are completely dependent on us but that is why the Matrix Movie was made. When the predictive effect of the surveillance state and it's internet Panoptican, the Palantir seeing stone of the Phoenician Trillionaires predicts that more and more people have seen through the veil.

That more and more people really understand the Phoenician Trillionaire control. Then that control is ready to be thrown off and humanity ready to evolve to the stars. That is why the Architect says their only solution is genocide. And that genocide has been done six times previously. Humanity is over 400,000 years old and the Phoenician Trillionaires have been farming their human energy chickens for eons. When the farmstock is diseased, cut them out and start again..

Do not take the Genocide Spike Protein MRNA vaccine which warns us that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires want to kill us.

Do take Ivermectin which removes the Genocide Spike Protein MRNA vaccine which has been banned by the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires after four billion doses of it have been taken worldwide without one fatality - which warns us that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires want to kill us.

The SPARS 2020-2023 Document gives the Genocide Spike Protein MRNA vaccine plan in advance was written in 2017 which proves that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires want to kill us.


From high level medical papers of 2021 and from the Bill Gates, frontman for the eugenic Rockefellers plan, written years in advance - the 2017 Johns Hopkins SPARS 2025-2028 Document..

Another plan the SPARS 2025-2028 Document.. written in October 2017 Document which gives the Genocide Spike Protein MRNA vaccine plan in advance, which proves that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires want to kill us.

Another Plan the Event 201 Document - written October 2019 which gives the Genocide Spike Protein MRNA vaccine plan in advance, which proves that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires want to kill us.

Another plan the Crimson Contagion Document - written January to August 2019 Document which gives the Genocide Spike Protein MRNA vaccine plan in advance, which proves that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires want to kill us.

The SPARS 2025-2028 Document says that Six months after taking the vaccine the people will develop heart attacks, also neurological symptoms similar to mad cow disease, children in two years, prions, spongiform encephalopathy and also cancer due to being triggered by the wild virus as happened with every animal trial using the MRNA vaccine.

The Genocide of millions, the destruction of society.

If our warnings go unheeded...

SPARS 2020-2023 Document.. HIGHLIGHTS

BOMB SHELL: MASSIVE VACCINE DAMAGE PREDICTED BY JOHN HOPKINS SPARS SCENARIO DAMAGE FULL SHOW 4-4-21Document which gives the Genocide Spike Protein MRNA vaccine plan in advance, which proves that the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires want to kill us.



As the Natives would say, the Great Spirit now knows it. That is not to say that God now knows it, since he knew it as soon as it happened. He knew each lie as it was uttered.

It is to say that the Human Spirit now knows it. Many people have now understood what I have written, and the knowledge has entered the mass consciousness through them. Even if you wiped out all those people, down to the last man, genocided down to the last man, the knowledge would not be erased, since while they slept the knowledge was transferred to the spirit realm, which is permanent and available to the next lifetime when humanity grows back over the next 10,000 years. We would not be caught so easily again.

You may think that is wuwu, but it isn't. This spirit that I speak of is physical, made of LIGHT! real photons, and it exists in real space. The Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire governors themselves know that, though they pretend they don't. Why else would they be so panicked? If this was just a matter of one guy tripping upon inconvenient truths, that problem could be solved with one bullet. But that isn't what this is about, as I am telling you. That is why they spend so much time and money countering me, hiring all these bozos to try and contain me. Containment is their only option, since they cannot undo what has been done. My papers cannot be unwritten.

They are allowed to tell you my papers CAN be unwritten. That was Orwell's job. That is the nut of 1984, you know: he was hired to convince you history can be overwritten or destroyed. If you believe that, you have been disempowered. But it isn't true. Yes, you can burn books or shred papers. You can lie and censor. But that isn't the destruction of history. History isn't the reports of what happened. History is what happened, and it is permanently etched in human consciousness.

It is hard to explain, but think of it this way. I said that God knows the lie as soon as it is uttered. You will say, “If so, then why doesn't God just tell us while we are asleep, through this photon realm? Wouldn't that be the simplest thing to do?” Simple yes, but it would conflict with the whole point of life.

God isn't there to live our lives for us. We have to live our own lives, for them to have any meaning. We have to learn and choose and decide and judge. If God tells us everything, then separation from him was meaningless.

Understand, we have been given the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

We have been given free will to do anything and learn from the experience.

We were made in the Image of God, Imago Dei.

Our job is to evolve over hundreds of lifetimes to become God!

First we have to expand our talents in intellect and the higher emotions of Love and Feeling by connecting to the infinite chakras above the head - to the infinite energies of God.

Second we have to know evil from "Balls to Bones" by entering into evil for many lifetimes.

Those of us who are too good to be bad reject evil.

Hard wired in, so we know it at birth after having our memories wiped, the software wiped.

We have to know we can only do the right and good thing!

We can only do the right and good thing not because we are told to do it, but because it is engraved into our spirit from hundreds of previous lifetimes of experience.

After that we only need to expand our talents, first our intellect to not only do the right and good thing but more.. to do the righter and gooder thing.

These lifetimes are the Examination Hall where we are tested that we will do the right thing in the face of great trials and tribulations!

Second we need to expand our higher emotions of Love and Feeling to open our third eye, power up all our psychic powers and directly grapple through feeling and higher emotion with the transmutation of holes - the Energy Blockages inside ourselves - into positive qualities.. to purify our energy bodies and the energy bodies of our friends, families, students.

Probably we developed these talents in previous lifetimes - experience of meditation brings them back quickly. Not just the neutered Traditional meditations, "Designed to Fail", taught by every neutered religion, but the real meditation..

Energy Enhancement Meditation!


The techniques of the Kundalini Kriyas of Babaji, student of Tamil Siddar Bhogar.




The five energy circulations of the Qi of Chinese Alchemical Taoism taught by Lao Tsu who was Alchemical Tamil Siddar Bhogar who transmigrated into his body.

The techniques of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali who again was a student of Alchemical Tamil Siddar Bhogar.

The technique of Alchemical VITRIOL, a Latin Acronym - VISITA INTERIORE TERRAE RECTIFICANDO INVENIES OCCULEM LAPIDEM - a guided Energy Enhancement Meditation using the Occultem Lapidem, the Philosophers Stone to Ground and Transmute negative Energies and Emotions.

The Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process from to remove Energy Blockages from Satchidanand, me, student of Tamil Siddar Swami Satchidananda.

If God is telling you what to do nothing is really happening, since it is all circular. If you don't see what I mean, say you suddenly developed the ability to make your own kittens. Which is more pleasant and interesting: 1) you make kittens that are automatons, which require your input for every action. In that case, they are either composed of automatic switches, preset to do what you set them to do, or, if there is a problem, you have to reach in and set them aright; 2) you make kittens with a set of initial instructions (instincts and innate knowledge), then let them go and see what happens?

In the first instance, you will never be surprised by anything they do, so you will never be entertained or enlightened. You may as well gaze in a mirror all day. But in the second case, you will see things you never expected, since the outcomes are infinite. You will say God cannot be enlightened and cannot experience the unexpected, since he already knows everything, but that's all as maybe. We don't know that. Maybe we were made by lesser gods or maybe God can be surprised, entertained, and all the rest. I am not a god and neither are you, so this is all a guess. We can roughly feel how things must be, since that is part of our initial instructions, but the details are denied us.

And what was the point of that? The point was, God can't just appear in our dreams each night and straighten everything out. That isn't the way it works. You will say it would make things a lot easier, but it actually wouldn't be any fun, for him or for us. We have to find out things for ourselves. But once we DO find out things for ourselves, those things we as humans discovered cannot be erased. The spirit world does not allow it. Documents can be destroyed and people can be killed, but that is feckless since the information is ultimately not stored in documents or in people's bodies. It is stored in people's minds or spirits, which are photon bodies. In a sense, the very air around you remembers these things and the Phoenician Trillionaire governors cannot do anything about it. Once it is known it cannot be unknown.

The Phoenician worshippers of Baal and Molech for 10,000 years - Trillionaire BM governors worship and want to emulate their Satanic Masters who live out of the body like Sauron in private universes on the Astral plane.

From time to time these Black Magician Demons who live out of the body download into possession of bodies so as to manage their plantation every lifetime or so. They do so by means of Satanic Rituals like the Palladian Rite propagated by Luciferian General Pike and British Super Agent Mazzini who invented the MAFIA from the acronym Mazzini Autorizante Fuego I Assassinazione.

The Palladian Rite was spread to Masonry of the York Rite and involved the infusion of these Black Magician Demons into Sacred Tantric Prostitutes - Whores of Babalon - who then transferred them on through the sexual act into their Masonic "Fleshly Gloves".

See Against Satanism Volume Three  Satanism is Defined by Satanic Rituals and Human Sacrifice..



Black Magician Demons can only live eternally through cutting themselves off from the death process by cutting themselves off from the infinite love and energy of God. Thus they need to vampirise the energy of human beings who are connected with the infinite energy of God by turning human beings into batteries.

They implant addiction energy blockage portals into all people for drugs and sex then transfer the blazing energies back to themselves by means of energy cords.

They implant negative emotion energy blockage portals into all people - manicism, depression, bipolar disorder, anger blockages - then transfer the energies back to themselves by means of energy cords.

If humanity were enabled to evolve through good things they would soon evolve beyond their  Black Magician Demon oppressors and easily throw them off.

Thus they can only live eternally, out of the body, through the vampirisation of Spiritual Energy from humanity by dumming down their slaves through censorship and propaganda from their ubiquitous media presstitutes and through poisons like fluoride, pesticides, MRNA vaccines, sex, drugs and rock and roll, barefoot and back on the plantation slaves who have been drained of energy every lifetime for 10,000 years!

Even if a giant asteroid destroyed the Earth tomorrow, that information would not die. The ambient field would still contain all that information, down to how to create a kitten and all the things we learned here on Earth. The field would eventually rebuild itself, and it would tap that memory as it needed to.

And why am I here telling you this? Just to toot my own horn again? No. I think this may be useful to you, but I am mainly speaking to the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire overlords now. I remind them of what they already know. Containment will not work and you cannot buy yourselves more time.

Your time is up. No matter what evil you do at this point, it will reverse upon you. It is reversing upon you as we speak, and you know that as well as I do. In your desperation your mistakes will multiply, until you collapse of complete rot. No revolution will even be necessary, since you will throw yourselves into the great sea with your own hands.

But as late as today, it doesn't have to be that way. Though there are prophecies and may be fulfillments, nothing is decided until it happens. Especially on a personal level, you can turn around any time. You can freely decide to reverse course, learning and practising the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course, confessing the lies and embracing the truth. The evil you did yesterday is not necessarily the evil you must do tomorrow. I assure you, you will have to turn around at some point, so you best do it now.

Now I turn back to the good people who are reading. Do you understand why the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire governors seem to be begging for a revolution right now? Because a revolution would actually be easier than what they think awaits them. They don't feel able to reverse on their own steam. They are like addicts who can't quit. They see the abyss quickly approaching and they know the gods will show them no mercy.

Nature is merciless, and they will have to account for each and every deed. They know that the worst revolutionaries would be more merciful than Nature. A successful revolution would save not only the country or the world, it might save them personally. They might be forced to repent, or at least to quit sinning. Their only hope is a forceful intervention, where their addictions are broken by cold-turkey abstinence. They can't save themselves, so they want someone like me to save them. They feel they will have to be made to turn, since they can't turn themselves.

You will say that isn't what you are seeing or hearing, and I agree we get mixed messages. But I assure that is part of it. I hear it quite clearly. Among the ever-increasing evil deeds, I hear unmistakable cries of help.

Many of these people would welcome mommy or daddy storming in and making them behave, which is why so many of them are masochists. Lawrence of Arabia was whipped and fagged through the "Band of Thebes" mind control British public schools like Eton. Forced into pedophilia. Forced into homosexuality. Lawrence of Arabia paid Dominators to whip and torture him as a masochist!  They can't hire someone to force them to act morally, but they can hire someone to beat them silly, which they see as the first part of that. They see it as the first part of a discipline they cannot apply to themselves. It is why so many of them are military, where they can have the rules and authority if not the morals.

P.G. Wodehouse and British Empire Ritual Sodomy Band of Thebes Propagandised for Hitler, Propagandised for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires

But I have more bad news for them. It doesn't work that way. God can't save them and neither can I. Meaning, God can't act for them and neither can you or I. By the very definition of morality, you cannot be forced to be moral. Morality is a CHOICE, and you must make the choice yourself. The only person or revolution that can save you is you. I can exhort you and educate you, but I cannot live your life for you or tie you down and make you a good person. You have to see the light and turn toward it because you want to.

They will say they can't face “accounting for every deed”, since they think that means they will have to be subjected to some amount of torture to absolve them of each sin. But that isn't what it means. To the extent you have done wrong, you have already subjected yourself to that torture and are living it right now. Absolving yourself of sin doesn't mean being subjected to a second round of pointless tortures. Those bad deeds have created Energy Blockages in your spirit, and those Energy Blockages are painful. Absolving yourself of sin means transmuting those Energy Blockages through the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process and thus repairing your spirit.

How do you do that? Not by being subjected to fiery wheels in hell, but as I said before by learning and practicing the Energy Enhancement Meditation Video Course and using the Energy Enhancement Seven Step Process to remove your Evil Energy Blockages, the Implant Addiction Energy Blockages which vampirise all your Spiritual Energies back to Evil people who want to live forever, immortally out of the body which leads you to doing good deeds, more and more good deeds.

Each good deed reverses a bad one and transmutes the Energy Blockage in your spirit. In short, you quit diminishing and begin growing again. Instead of dissolving, you begin accreting. To put it in physical terms, your spirit quits shedding photons and begins gaining them again.

Those Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires obsessed with living longer and becoming gods should pay attention, since this is how it is done. It is not done with technical tricks. It is not done by tweaking the DNA or taking drugs or gene therapy or drinking blood or sacrificing to Satan.

Yet the Satanic Religion mind controls it's children, splitting their minds with pedophilia and human sacrifice. The Satanic religion promises and delivers a form of horrible Eternal Life out of the body. In the past, such religions, Satanic human sacrificing Aztecs, Satanic human sacrificing Incas, Satanic human sacrificing Phonicians of Baal and Molech were totally destroyed. "Carthago Delenda Est - Carthage must be destroyed", cried Cato the Elder at every Senate for years and Carthage was destroyed down to the last man and the ground sowed with salt.


Living longer and becoming gods is legitimately done by gaining a larger and more powerful spirit body, and that can only be done by good deeds and the transmutation of Energy Blockages by the Energy Enhancement Meditation Seven Step Process.

You have to take on more light, and you can't do that by sunbathing. That is only recycling more light, which isn't what I am talking about. You have to be more light, which means you first have to use the advanced techniques of Energy Enhancement Meditation - the Only Meditation Course to teach how to transmute the dark, heavy Energy Blockages, to purify the Energy Body and more than that, each Energy Blockage you transmute in yourself or another person comes to you and augments your energy body making it bigger and more talented.




The current Trillionaire Phoenicians seeking godhood don't seem to understand that godhood is really godliness, which means acting like a god. That is, acting like a larger spiritual being would act, or would have you act. But these people are doing the reverse, acting less godly, so they are moving in the opposite direction.

Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires seem to think that gods got to be gods by stealing spirit from other beings, but that isn't the way it works. Your body can feed on animals and plants, but your spirit cannot feed on spirit. Spirit doesn't coalesce that way.

Your spirit grows by creating and nurturing good things, by the trapped spirit within the Energy Blockages you transmute in yourself or another person coming to you and augmenting your energy body making it bigger and more talented.

Your Energy Body grows by tending the earth and its creatures physically And Spiritually. It grows by caring for other spirits and loving them. Not by swallowing them but by embracing them. Spirit expands not by engorgement but by union. In that sense, spirit is sexual, not predatory.

Which is why predatory sex is so unfulfilling. It is a contradiction in terms. Sex that is not a joining of spirit as well as body is waste of time, and predatory sex is even worse than that. It creates Energy Blockages in the spirit, in predator as well as prey, and the Energy Blockages in the predator are far worse. It will take more effort, more good deeds later to transmute them.

So why do I know this while you don't? Well, you do know it. We all do. We were all born knowing, the good with those who later went bad. As Sosan the Third Zen Patriarch said, "They Know!!" And if they say they do not know it is because their dark energy blockages are too great for them at this time..

I just remember it better than most, for reasons that aren't totally clear. The dark side never held any fascination for me, for one thing. My personality is completely non-additive. And, I admit, I am a bit of a child in a lot of ways. I never liked the world of “adults” and refused to join it. Plus, I am extremely hard-headed, so I never let others influence me very much. I had a very strong idea of who I was from the cradle, and I couldn't be moved from that. So I am still very much that same person I was as a child. Since I am still that person, I retain those memories from childhood. I remember what I knew coming in and haven't allowed it to be obliterated by anything. I may also be more connected to past lives for that reason. I don't have any specific memories, since those are normally wiped, but I have general memories. I seem to know a lot of things without having to learn them, "balls to bones".

I even have a story in that line that may interest some of you. When I was about six or seven, my parents gave me my first paint-by-numbers set. My parents were both accountants, so they didn't really know what to do with my artistic bent, but they did their best. To be honest, I wasn't too interested in painting in the lines or painting someone else's picture, as you can imagine. But I still remember vividly the first time I opened one of the little plastic paint cups. I don't know if they still make paint- by-numbers, or what they now make the paint out of. I would assume it is now some sort of water based paint, like gouache or acrylic, but back then it was actually oil paint, with real linseed oil. I had never smelled it before in this life, but I recognized it immediately, and waves of nostalgia washed over me. I can only describe it like seeing your mother's face after 80 years. Except that it was a smell, and smells are the most visceral of memories, since they are deepest in the brain, tied most closely to emotional responses. I knew that this was not my first experience with oil paint.

I wasn't able to do anything with those crappy materials and soon got frustrated, going back to my drawings, but later when I finally did get top quality materials, I didn't have to be taught how to use them. I already knew. I never took any painting lessons or went to art school. I couldn't even stand art classes in junior high, finding them too limiting. I took choir instead. But when I got out of school and began painting in earnest, it all came very fast. You can see some of my early copywork on my site, for proof of that. Most of the improvement in my first couple of years just came from learning what supplies I needed and where to get them.

Anyway, my point was that we all have an innate package, just as much as any other animal. We don't just have a few instincts, we have a fullish set of instructions. But we have so much more than that. We have past-life memories of our own, as well as those of our species and all species below us. And we have the spirit world or charge field that we can also tap into, though some of us are better able to do that than others because of Energy Blockages implanted in this or in past lifetimes obscuring the knowledge.

Also because not all spirits are the same size, even among humans. Some were probably more advanced in past lives by absorbing more Angels by transmuting Energy Blockages and absorbing the released Angel core, which carries over. We are all on a personal path through the galaxy, some moving ahead, some moving back, and some moving sideways.

So you can think of this paper as a sort of loving. My enemies will say I am primarily loving myself, as usual, and I admit there is a bit of that going on. I get very little loving from live people, so I have to keep my spirits up. That is just how it is. If I don't believe in me, no one will. But that is just the first and least important layer here. I am also loving my good readers, reminding them that the world on TV or on the internet is not the real world.

Things are so much deeper and brighter than that. You are surrounded by light more intense, more dense, and more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Those who don't read my science site may not know I have proven that light is 19 times more powerful than matter itself. It actually outweighs matter in the field by that much. That information was always hiding in mainstream equations, but they didn't know that. You have heard of dark matter? Well, they admit dark matter is 95% of everything in the universe. 95-5 is the same as 19-1. Their dark matter is my charge field, which is photons, which you can read about in many papers on my science site and also my books in all the major bookshops. It is also spirit. So that is what I mean when I say this isn't wuwu or religion. It is hard science.

To say it another way, dark matter isn't “out there” somewhere, hiding between galaxies or in cores or in other dimensions. It isn't “hidden sector”. And it especially isn't dark. A lot of it is outside the spectrum visible to humans, which is very narrow, but that doesn't make it dark. In fact, it is light. Light isn't defined as visible wavelengths, it is defined as all radiation that moves at c in a vacuum. It is defined as photonic radiation. And I have proved this light is far more powerful and prevalent and fundamental than was thought. Einstein knew its speed was fundamental, but he had no idea it comprised 95% of everything. And, as it turns out, even the other 5% is light structures. Matter is just spun-up photons that have gained radius and slowed down, trading their speed for what we call mass. So it isn't just your spirit that is a light structure. Your body is as well.

What this means is that you are surrounded and infused by a sea of light that has far more energy than your molecules do. It doesn't just wash over you and around you, it permeates every atom in your body. Every proton and electron in your body recycles that sea of light, and the photons actually move right through each one. Every particle above the size of an electron is a charge engine, recycling those photons and literally living off their energy. So you can see how knowing that might help you. The knowledge isn't esoteric, it is fundamental and physical and useful. It not only tells you who and what you are, it tells you your connection to the world. It also tells you how “spirit” really works, and how information can be stored and processed at this level. Much has been written recently about water having “memory”, but it isn't just water. Everything has memory because everything is suffused by photons, and photons can and do carry information. It is known that they are what carry information in the brain, via electrical signals and synapses, but brains aren't necessary for carrying or processing information. Plants carry and process information, with no brains at all. So do amoebas. So do enzymes. They all do it with photons.

The extent you can tap this energy field is limited only by your own knowledge and belief. On the Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course we teach how to connect to the highest vibration infinite Energy Source, an infinity of chakras above the head in the Center of the Universe, The Central Spiritual Sun, the One True Good God, Immortal, Invisible, God only wise, In Light is Accessible, but hid from our eyes.

In this sense, Jesus and all the other En-Light-ened prophets were completely right. There is nothing mythical, mysterious, or esoteric about it, because that light is made of the same thing that you and your coffee cup are made of. The living world is not one thing and the spirit world another. They are both made of photons and are both everywhere. THEY ARE ONE THING.

There is only one world and you are living in it fully. It is real and so are you. Your spirit cannot be destroyed, it can only grow or diminish, and you are responsible day to day for that progression. You and only you can make that choice, and it cannot be taken from you or passed to another. Only your choices can throw you into a pit or raise you out of it. No gods or demons can put you there or raise you out of it, but you can do it immediately.

Which means I am also loving the evil ones, which some may find strange. I can't damn them to any hell, so why would I bother? I cannot save them, but I can certainly exhort them. I cannot push them into the light by force, but perhaps I can point them to it and remind them how beautiful it is. I can remind them that if they need loving, they will find it in the light, not in the darkness. There is no dark side and it has no power. Darkness is only the absence of light. You can imagine you are embracing it, but it will never embrace you back. It is filled with a lack of light where vampires, cut off from the infinite energies of God, will suck you dry!

I have been told, “I know there is a dark side, since I ask it for things and receive them. It is very powerful”. But that isn't the dark side. That is bad people, whose existence I freely admit. That is just your relatives overhearing your greedy desires and making them come true, to bluff you into their schemes. That's grandpa roping you into his self-created hell, so he won't be so lonely.

Yes, the Phoenician Trillionaires are very “powerful” in that sense, since they are very good at granting greedy wishes of that sort to their children, and thereby locking them into the ancient ways and catacombs. But if you are an over thirty Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire, you must be realizing by now that wasn't the sort of loving you wanted or needed. This granting of your wishes isn't gifting you anything but a spirit full of Energy Blockages. An evil hole-y spirit. So maybe you should give up on grandpa and go another way. Instead of preying on others and asking for boons, try serving others and asking for meaningful work.

Instead of buying or stealing things and storing them, try creating them and distributing them. Instead of inventing problems and then profiting from them, try solving them instead. Instead of manufacturing chaos, try spreading order. Instead of becoming a master of the lie, the bluff, and the con, try becoming the master of something real, even if it just the master of shining shoes or sweeping the streets. Those are the first steps to redemption.

This is placatory psyop Lullaby nonsense of the Q, Qanon, all part of the plan variety, designed to get people to do nothing.

"Awake! Awake! Fire, Fear and Foes!" - Tolkien

Now the Phoenician Trillionaires have been instituting an internet surveillance Panopticon society to predict the future - a sort of seeing stone, a Palantir, and they know that everyone knows about them and their slavery or neo-feudalism and that their false flags and their spooky lies are now easily seen through and because of that they know a revolution is brewing to throw off the 6000 "Super Class" people who rule the world and enter into a Golden Age of plenty, education, and evolution to the stars.

That is why the Movie, the Matrix was made.

The Architect of the machines, which is the only way you can describe a human with no heart, said they had destroyed human civilisation and everyone in it, six times previously. If you think of this planet as a farm where human energy chickens are raised that when the chickens get diseased, contaminated, then the only solution is to kill off the flock and start again.

Human beings have been on this planet over 400,000 years which is why history is so controlled. Hindu scriptures talk of vimala flying machines and atomic explosions. Plenty of time for civilisation to have been destroyed six times.

I have to admit, my sympathy for anyone experiencing unexpected adverse effects from the not-vaccine is pretty close to nonexistent. These aren't infants being inoculated against their will and without their knowledge or ability to resist, after all. They are adults who one would quite reasonably expect to know better than to permit themselves to be injected with untested experimental substances on the word of nerd, Bill Gates, with literally trillions of dollars to gain from selling the injections.

But when the CDC makes MRNA Vaccines compulsory for children if they want to go to school!

But when the CDC puts MRNA Vaccines on the normal vaccine schedule for children!

Of course, given the fact that the not-vaccine is being ruled out as a causal factor even when people literally keel over and die from heart attacks - called dying of suddenly - after being injected, we can expect that the sterilisation effect where people cannot make a child, that they cannot have children, that they cause of the increased number of spongiform encephalopathy and chronic lympthocytic leukemia cases in five or ten years will remain a complete mystery to the medical and scientific communities.

This presages the next total destruction of human civilisation as sixty percent of the people will gradually descend into cancer and the ongoing neurological symptoms of Altsheimers requiring so much attention, care etc.. and the work of society may break down with so many people disabled.

Although the information has been written, this information will only be available to the next crop of humans so perhaps we will not be so easily fooled, next time...

Unless we win - This time!

Those Phoenicians obsessed with living longer and becoming gods should pay attention, since this is how it is done. It is not done with technical tricks. It is not done by tweaking the DNA or taking drugs or gene therapy or drinking blood or sacrificing to Satan.

The Satanic Religion mind controls it's children, splitting their minds with traumatic pedophilia and human sacrifice. The Satanic religion promises and delivers a form of horrible Eternal Life out of the body.

In the past, such religions, Satanic human sacrificing Aztecs, Satanic human sacrificing Incas, Satanic human sacrificing Phoenicians of Baal and Molech were totally destroyed. "Carthago Delenda Est - Carthage must be destroyed", cried Cato the Elder at every Senate for years and Carthage was destroyed down to the last man and the ground sowed with salt.

This is how it is done. It is not done with technical tricks.

"You might say, with Theoden, that you will not risk open war. But I reply, with Aragorn, that open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not. Embrace the conflict. Join forces with your allies. Because neither neutrality nor invisibility is an option, and you will either stand with them or you will fall alone." - Tolkien, Lord of the Rings.

"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him.
And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." Ecclesiastes 4:12


Because Epstein didn't kill himself and Biden didn't win.







Free Book - ENERGY ENHANCEMENT MEDITATION Level 3 - The Karma Cleaning Process - Remove Even Deeper Energy Blockages - Remove Subpersonalities - Remove Demons

Lucifer or the Devil, is the father of lies. USA, heir to the British Empire, heir of the Venetian Empire, is the Empire of lies… and Satanic Sodomy.

Removing the many Trauma-Formed Subpersonality Superegos and Revealing the One Powerful Soul Personality Ego You! With Covid they found fifty million people ready to police themselves and one another, upon only a suggestion from the TV.

P.G. Wodehouse and British Empire Ritual Sodomy Band of Thebes Propagandised for Hitler, Propagandised for the Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaires

The Problem is that No-One Names the Enemy of Humanity, the Satanic 10,000 years old Phoenician Mega Trillionaire Aristocratic Families who are in Charge of the Governments of the World.

Lucifer or the Devil, is the father of lies. USA, heir to the British Empire, heir of the Venetian Empire, is the Empire of lies… and Satanic Sodomy.


Incredible Special 75% OFF! Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course Offer!





Numerous Satanic Phoenician Mega Trillionaire bought and paid for media outlets, so-called Tolkien academics, Tolkien influencers, and others are attacking J.R.R. Tolkien.



For 10,000 years an International cabal of Satanic Phoenician Trillionaire Oligarchic Elite have controlled the World - See our FREE! BOOK Download, Against Satanism Volume 6..

DOWNLOAD FREE!! AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 - The Satanic History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019

Infiltrating Bloodline Caananite/Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control, they worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, BelMolech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Trillionaire Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.

Read this FREE! pdf Book - Click Below..


Description: Description: C:\wnew\Sacred-Energy\Against-Satanism-Volume-6\Against-Satanism-six-cover.jpg

Read this FREE!! pdf book - Right click and save..












Innoculate yourself Against Satanism by Downloading.. Energy Enhancement Book - Against Satanism Volumes One to Nine by Satchidanand

Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Order.


The New World Religion, defined by Satanic Ritual.

72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual - read historian Arnold Toynbee. Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. LGBTP - The Satanist Ritual Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Pedophilia, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly as a prelude to Ritual Human Sacrifice and Ritual Baby Sacrifice. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society destroyed through the fear of mandatory Ritual Human Sacrifice.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics.

Innoculate yourself Against Satanic Globalism which created Cybele and Attis, Baal, Molech, Zeus, Venus, Pedophile Plato, No Soul Aristotle, Catholicism, Protestantism, the IlluminaughtySabatean Frankism, Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), Islam, Wahhabic ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Communism, Socialism, Gaia and Satanic Hitler's Pagan Eugenic Nazism by Downloading.. The Energy Enhancement Books - Against Satanism Volumes 1 - 6 by Satchidanand.

To understand how and why Evil has taken over this Planet, and how Energy Enhancement can free this Planet from All Evil... READ THE AGAINST SATANISM SERIES OF EIGHT BOOKS!!

With Energy Enhancement Remove All these Evil Subpersonalities within you whilst you have the chance..


The Energy Enhancement Meditation Course is designed to Open the Third Eye, use Alchemical VITRIOL to Remove Negative Energies, Annihilate Negative Emotions, Eliminate Gross Bodily Infirmities, Access Infinite Spiritual Energy from the Chakras Above the Head, Create Blooming Health, Walloping Wealth, and, if you stick to it for a while, the Total Removal of All Blockages, All Subpersonalities, Integration with the Soul, One Soul Infused Personality, Illumination, Enlightenment, Psychic Powers, Genius - the Creation of Beauty, Abundance, and Heaven Here on Earth - NOW!!

Only Energy Enhancement can Annihilate Evil on Earth and change this Planet into a Planet of Love and Light in this Place, for You, for Me, for the Entire Human Race.

The best way to get around the internet censors and their shadow banning and make sure you see the stuff I publish is to subscribe to the mailing list for my website, energyenhancement.org which will get you an email notification for everything I broadcast and Free download access to the 21 Spiritual Books I publish. My work is entirely reader-supported and the incredible Energy Enhancement Meditation Course supported so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, throwing some money into my hat directly to my bank account (email me) via Transferwise, buying my hard copy books on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/s?k=swami+satchidanand Everyone, has my permission to republish or use any part of my work (or anything else I’ve written) in any way they like free of charge.


Energy Blockages are Satanic, and it is this we see directly when we remove the blockages with the Energy Enhancement Meditation Course.. 

In order to remove blockages using the Level 2 Seven Step Process, Internally we teach you how to Ground every trace of Satanic Energy which makes sick, which perverts, which degenerates!

Externally we see the effect of Satanic Energy Blockages and their creators, on the World..

16. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 1 - The Satanic History of the World Part 1

Lord Palmerston, Lord Shelburne and the British (Drugs, Slaves and Gold) East India Company, the Jeremy Bentham created French Revolution..

Satanic Karl Marx was a British Agent and the Communist takeovers of Russia by the Bolshevics and British Agents Lenin and Stalin and China by the Red Guards and Satanic 33rd Degree Freemason, Yale Educated Mao.. killed 160 million people in the 20th century..



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17. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 Satanic Pedophile Eugenocidalist Plato and Satanic No-Soul Aristotle.

The inspiration for the fascist state comes from Plato, the male supremacist and apologist for pederasty. Plato is revered as the preeminent classical philosopher, although his apparent advocacy of man/boy sex is not commonly known. A prototypical statement by the philosopher is recorded in George Grant’s Legislating Immorality: “Through the nightly loving of boys, a man, on arising, begins to see the authentic nature of true beauty” (Grant, 1993:24).

Plato’s Republic is his best known work.

The following is a summary of the Republic from W.K.C. Guthrie’s A History of Greek Philosophy:
The Republic (c.370 BC) advances many of Plato’s principal ideas, notably those concerned with government and justice. Composed as a debate between Socrates and five other speakers, The Republic is best known for its description of the ideal state (based on Sparta), which Plato argues should be ruled by Totalitarian Dictator philosopher-kings (Guthrie in Grolier).

As we have noted, the Spartan society was dominated by a pederastic warrior cult that featured mandatory induction of twelve-year-old boys into homosexual partnerships with adult men. Like all such cults, the Spartan military was rigidly hierarchical and elitist. Plato’s concept of the “philosopher-king” is that of an autocratic dictator leader appropriate to such a society. The Totalitarian Dictator Philosopher-King rules over a kind of fascist utopia. Interestingly, Plato’s idealized society in the Republic includes the elimination of the family as a social unit and the elimination of private property.

READ - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 2 - The Satanic Foundations of Western Philosophy by Satanic Pedophile Eugenocidalist Plato's Republic - "The Concealment of Wickedness and Human Sacrifice" and Satanic No-Soul Aristotle.




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18. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 3 - Satanism is defined by Satanic Rituals..

Satanism is gradually being instituted as the New World Religion defined by Satanic Ritual.

72 Empires have been recorded and every one of them has failed in the same way. The facts have been recorded that a totalitarian and satanic elite infil-traitored and took over all these Empires and that 72 once free, flourishing and rich republics were destroyed from within by Satanic Ritual.

Infil-traition of Satanism is the methodology as slowly every Government Ministry and Societal function is taken over. Eventually a Satanist becomes King Emperor President. The Satanist Pillars of Homosexuality, Pederasty, Drugs and Ritual Sex - both Hetero and Homosexual - are introduced overtly. Christianity and Judaism - the bulwarks Against Satanism - are destroyed and then society fucked through the fear of Ritual Human Sacrifice.

The Ancient Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Eugenics -

All of them Censoring Worldwide, Advanced Meditation techniques - Alchemical VITRIOL, the Kundalini Key and Energy Blockage Removal from every Meditation Program.. EXCEPT ENERGY ENHANCEMENT!!

READ - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 3 - Satanism is defined by Satanic Rituals..



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READ - AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 3 - Satanism is defined by Satanic Rituals..


This means Pedophilia Sex Rituals and a means of Totalitarian Fear Control of Human Sacrifice.

As presently occurs in Totalitarian No-Soul Communist China. Christians, Buddhists and Falun Gong are executed in special organ harvesting vans - Human Sacrifice.

They have ten of these vans in every city and they work all day long taking fresh organs to the airport for implantation in Japan. The organs harvested and sold to Rich Oligarchs Worldwide

19. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 4 - SATANIC HOMO OCCULTISM, SATANIC HITLER - THE HOMOSEXUAL ROOTS OF FASCISM - Black Magician Homosexual Hitler created homosexual Cults based upon Black Magic - taught to him by Guido von List and the Armanen Order, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Ariosophy, The Thule Society, Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, and Friedrich Nietzsche.

Because the Torah and the Bible prohibit Homosexuality, in order to introduce Satanism and its Satanic Rituals, Hitler decided to destroy Judaism and Also he changed Christianity - Jesus - into a Sun God associated with Odin by sending all clerics to the death camps along with all the Ritual burning holocaust six million Jews.

After that Hitler allied with Islam because Islam promotes a warrior Spartan Pedophilia and Sex Slavery of Women - "Women for breeding, boys for love" See, Thousands of child prostitutes in every city of Britain - Rochdale child sex abuse ring https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_child_sex_abuse_ring

Hitler's NAZI is National Socialism, an offshoot of No-God Communism - You can see this plan occurring in Western Civilisation everywhere, NOW!!



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20. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 5 - Satanic Economics and the Satanic Principle of Poverty Published Feb 2019

We know the effects of meeting one psychopath and the destruction he can wreak in our lives. Wisdom teachings teach how to overcome their strategies and,"stay away from evil".

Satanism, - The Old Religion" - is when all the psychopaths get together in one group to wreck the world to their benefit. Energy Enhancement Wisdom teachings describe the historical problem and the means to overcome it. "Vampires hate the light of truth".

The key is that the Satanic Religion and its recruiting cults of Freemasonry and the Crowlean Sexual Ritual Ordo Templi Orientis are Fake Gangs, created by men as a technique to conquer the world.

The Ancient Satanic Enemy who counts meditation and the mind control psychic arts as one of its main planks of World Domination has used Satanic Infil-Traitors for 10,000 years in every Organisation - Religion, Left and Right Politics, Dynastic Families, Geopolitics, Economics, Universities, Intelligence Services, Think Tanks, Banking, International Companies, Global Warming, Eugenics..

And Banking Infiltration by Satanic Banksters supported by the False Fabulous Science of Economics..

And this book pricks the bubble of Fake Satanic Economics because Godly people could never set up the World banking and economic system described in these pages.

Only Satanists could create a system which is against the evolution of Humanity to the Stars.

Instead, the Satanic Banksters promote the Principle of Poverty, barefoot, back on the reservation, in debt to the company store.

Read this pdf book - Right click and save..
https://againstsatanism.com/Sacred-Energy/Against-Satanism-Volume-5/Against-Satanism-5-Satanic-Economics-the-Satanic Principle-of-Poverty.pdf



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Read this pdf book - Right click and save..
https://againstsatanism.com/Sacred-Energy/Against-Satanism-Volume-5/Against-Satanism-5-Satanic-Economics-the-Satanic Principle-of-Poverty.pdf


Book 21. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 6 - The Satanic History of the World Part 2 Published May 2019

Infiltrating Bloodline Caananite/Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control, they worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, BelMolech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Trillionaire Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.

Read this pdf book - Right click and save..


Description: Description: C:\wnew\Sacred-Energy\Against-Satanism-Volume-6\Against-Satanism-six-cover.jpg

Infiltrating Bloodline Caananite/Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families have existed for over 5000 years before the Birth of Christ. Using emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control, they worship all the Pagan Gods, including Lucifer, Satan, Baal, BelMolech, Ashtoreth, Cybele and Attis. In this book we find that over thousands of years, spook, Bloodline Trillionaire Phoenician/Jewish aristocratic Families infiltrated every country, every Empire, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family, in Europe, Britain, America, India, China and in every other country in the World.

Read this pdf book - Right click and save..



Book 22. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 7 - The Satanic History of the World Part 3 Published January 2020

The Cancer of The Venetian Empire – The Phoenician Empire - Metastases into the Anglo-American Empire. The Suppression of Science.



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The Cancer of The Venetian Empire – The Phoenician Empire - Metastases into the Anglo-American Empire. The Suppression of Science.

AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 7 - The Satanic History of the World Part 3 Published January 2020

The Cancer of The Venetian Empire – The Phoenician Empire - Metastases into the Anglo-American Empire. The Suppression of Science.





23. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 8 -The Satanic History of the World Part 4 Published Jan 2020

The Cancer of The Venetian Empire - The Phoenician Empire - Merges with the Satanic Catholic Church

The Roman Cult and associated networks of Sabbatean and secret Satanic organisations since the 14th and 15th Centuries is the only time in the history of civilization whereby a “sacred” religious ceremony was established for the systematic and widespread encouragement of its clergy to Satanically ritualistically abuse children...

And Much, Much, More..




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The Cancer of The Venetian Empire - The Phoenician Empire - Merges with the Satanic Catholic Church

The Roman Cult and associated networks of Sabbatean and secret Satanic organisations since the 14th and 15th Centuries is the only time in the history of civilization whereby a “sacred” religious ceremony was established for the systematic and widespread encouragement of its clergy to Satanically ritualistically abuse children...

And Much, Much, More..





24. AGAINST SATANISM VOLUME 9 - The Satanic Suppression of Science

Satanic Secret Agents, Aristotle; Contarini, Pomponazzi and Giorgi; Sarpi, Galileo and Kepler; Conti, Newton against Leibniz - The Satanic Corruption of Science by the Satanic, Slave Trading, Drug Running, Bankster run Venetian Empire to suppress Steam, Tesla, Fission and Fusion.

Satanic Control comes from the Satanic, "Policy of Poverty" and the Satanic, "Policy of Poisoning" by means of the, "Borgia Cup" and indeed Satanism itself which is a form of Mind Control to create the Psychopaths who will follow any orders.

These policies are designed to weaken the opposition to the Satanic Religious leaders whose aim is to continue ruling humanity as they have ruled the Human Herd for 10,000 years since Satanic Babylon in order to Steal their Spiritual Energy.

All religions are created by the Fascist Peerage Robber Barons whose Genealogy goes back to Satanic Babylon and their created Religions of Satanism, Luciferianism, the Cult of Apollo, Dionysus, Isis, Horus, Osiris have been created to control the upper levels of society for the real Peerage Robber Baron owners for thousands of years. Because if you believe a Satanic created, infiltrated religion, you will believe anything, do anything for the comparmentalised top of the Hierarchy.

Yet, "False Gold is there only because Real Gold Exists" - Tamil Siddar Alchemist Thiruvalluvar

If a member of the Peerage Fascist Robber Baron Elite partakes of the normal Satanic Rituals extant for thousands of years designed to reduce people to the level of a psychopathic beast of..

1. Animal and human sacrifice rituals.
2. Canibalism rituals.
3. Drug rituals,
4. Sex rituals - homosexual sodomy rituals - pederasty rituals - bestiality rituals - torture rituals.
5. The castration rituals of Cybele and Attis.

and then you have your pictures and videos taken of you doing it, then you tend to follow orders!!

Rather than concentrating on problems with food, security and housing which poverty induces in all, only wealth and education can lead humanity to evolutionary meditation the foundation of Human Evolution to the Stars.

Realise that Austerity is not an accident.

Everything must be planned.

If Austerity can be planned and executed for the USA and Europe over 50 years since the assassination of John Kennedy then wealth too can be planned!!

Only wealth can lead Human Evolution to the Stars, therefore anti-evolutionary Satanism created by the Robber Baron oligarchic elite for the purpose of creating poverty, so as to maintain their control over thousands of years, has acted to degrade every part of human society including science as the Satanic Frankfurt school has acted to similarly degrade philosophy, music and art, and the Satanic Robber Baron Drug trade has acted to destroy all culture and civilisation and the poisoning of air, food and water by fluoride, genetically modified foods, glyphosate and other pesticides, and incinerator dioxins and VOC's to destroy the health and energy of all humanity.

In order to secure acceptance for their Satanic ideas, the Satanic Venetian Party seeks to control the way people think. If you can control the way people think, say the Satanic Venetians, you can control the way they respond to events, no matter what those events may be.

It is therefore vital to the Satanic Venetians to control philosophy and especially science, the area where human powers of hypothesis and creative reason become a force for improvements in the order of nature.

It is therefore vital to the Satanists to control science because Science is the source of all Wealth creation which can lift Humanity from the level of a beast to Enlightenment itself.







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Ground it Down, Burn it Up!




Energy Enhancement Meditation Practices Ground Negative Energies into the Fission Center of the Earth where they Burn.

This is Apana!








 It’s High Time the Earth had a powerful Meditation course that knows EXACTLY how Handle and Heal the Deepest Darkest places hidden within us.





Everything within the Energy Enhancement Meditation course is the solution and synthesis of how to transform all that is negative and painful into pure positive spiritual energy.



Spiritual Energy that can then be used further heal and create a more beautiful and better life.

The transmutation of all that is negative and Evil within us into Pure Positivity and Goodness through Ancient Techniques taught on the Energy Enhancement Course is an Established Fact and Easily Proved.


Energy Enhancement Meditation Practices Ground Negative Energies into the Center of the Earth where they Burn.

The Return of the Burn is Infinite Quantities of pure positive Spiritual Energy!!

This is Prana!




The return of the infinite purified energies up from the center of the earth is called Kundalini which powers up all Psychic Powers, the Siddhis, which enable connection with the Infinite Energies of the Chakras above the Head, further powering the Siddhis.






Only Energy Enhancement teaches you How, in order for Anyone and Everyone to become Special, all you need to do to Connect to Infinite Higher Spiritual Energy from the Infinite Chakras above the Head in order to Remove Evil Energy Blockages and Clean this lifetime and All your past lifetimes of Karma, to solve, heal and transmute the problems in your life and in the World.

Only Energy Enhancement teaches you How ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN AND MUST GO HIGHER – Every problem has a spiritual solution and Only Energy Enhancement Meditation has techniques that can make EVERYBODY Special to create a Heaven on Earth.


Siddhis - Your psychic powers - Opening the Third Eye, Removing Energy Blockages, dissolving Karma in this Lifetime and all the Previous Lifetimes, Illumination, Enlightenment!!

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This is the Special time where all the tools - previously hidden - are made available to any who want to consciously engage in their own spiritual evolution.

Energy Enhancement meditation teaches one how to unpick and unlock the full potential of their Kundalini energy!

Speed Up! Your Evolution!

EMAIL NOW!! To Buy Five Levels of the Energy Enhancement Course.


"Since I started Energy Enhancement I have Powered Up by connecting to the Fission Core in the Center of the Earth and the Fusion Sun Center of the Universe which activated my Third Eye and all my Psychic Powers.




Now I can see pesticided food before I poison myself.

Now I can free myself of negative emotions: no depression, no fear, just an increasing positivity which overcomes all obstacles.

Now I can release Ancient Karma from past lifetimes with visions of what I did and what was done to me - lessons which free me from Ancient habits of action in affecting this lifetime.

Now I can ground traumatic triggering negative energies from my previous years in this lifetime like the death of my father and mother or the break-up of my relationships.

Now I can clear my psychic body of all Energy Blockages which prevent the influx of Infinite Energy from the Chakras above the Head.

Now I can see all my previous lifetimes and know I can never die!

Now I know that I am an Immortal Soul who can never die, that I travel lifetime to lifetime, never born, never died, only increasing my Evolution and Effectiveness in aiding this Planet and all the People on it."

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Now!! FREE!! with Level 1 purchase!! The Twelve Initiations of Energy Enhancement Prana Course can be mastered in parallel with Level One or higher of Energy Enhancement and by increasing your health, your prana and your ability to direct prana to remove energy blockages will benefit and enable all four Energy Enhancement Levels.

This is the Special time where all the tools - previously hidden - are made available to any who want to consciously engage in their own spiritual evolution. Energy Enhancement meditation teaches one how to unlock the full potenial of their Kundalini energy!

Speed Up! Your Evolution!

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43 Free Energy Enhancement Books

Download The Light Side Books Click Below..

Download Nine Darkside Books Click Below..




Coming to Satchidanand's ashram in Iguazu has definitely been the best thing I have done to speed up the elimination of my energy blockages. The aura or buddhafield of satchi and devi feels like a large white sphere of bliss/love energy which charges me up with light whenever I sit or stand near to them.

Going to the ashram has given me the time to focus on meditation and my own karma healing, with the added constant energy help of their aura's which dig out my blockages and highlight what I need to work on next multiple times per day, every day! I have purified Oceans of karma in only 2 months.

I once got a vision that I had so much karma it would take 500 lifetimes into the future to clear it before I merged with god... now when I view my karma timeline I feel almost done in only 3 or 4 years!

The weather in Brazil is amazing, it's like summer every day in the tropics.

We eat a really healthy diet, vegetarian, and the air con makes the air really purified too.

As my energy got higher, I found my psychic senses improve greatly. My body became aware of the presence of toxins from food, water and air. I clearly noticed the difference between us at the ashram and other peoples aura when we went outside. We are much more purified. Everyone else feels dark, heavier and negative.

The job of a guru is to tease out the energy blockages of the students, while giving them energy support to heal the blocks. Satchi sucks out some of my energy blockages and karma and burns them out for me! speeding up the process of eliminating negative karma, bad luck and really deep blockages. He teases and does what is required to point out my blockages so I know exactly what to meditate on next.

I am dealing with some very difficult blockages from my past karma which to put bluntly...I do not know if I could handle if I meditated alone. FEAR and panic blocks, root chakra blockages...satanic sex addiction implants...food addiction implants...some pretty nasty karma. To take out the root of these blockages requires the high energy of energy enhancement and satchi's buddhafield and advice. I am grateful for the help I received so far.

Our days at the ashram are mostly doing meditation, with healthy meals per day. We often watch spiritual movies in the evening and go to nice restaurants a couple of times a week.

Satchis energy is incredibly huge and during meal time and movies, his energy charges me up to release and trigger blockages to come up... once we spot them I can meditate to heal them more quickly.

His advice is always spot on to the genuine cause of my issues and I feel he can see right through me to view the truth.


The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course is the most advanced and powerful course of Meditation available in the World today in Five Levels or 36 Initiations - Or Live Courses at Iguazu Falls!!


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Get Brazil Sun and heat at Iguazu Falls - Get Your EE Course at the Energy Enhancement Ashram Buddhafield

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Hi Satchi:

Thank you very much!

I just posted a review for the book that I bought from Amazon. I don't often post reviews but your work is absolutely the best thing I've found in this life. So beautiful and so encouraging.

I love the way the view of our lives is about evolving our souls. It takes away that poor me feeling or wondering why me when there are such huge life challenges; along with providing the roadmap to heal and evolve; to hopefully become enlightened.

I can't believe there are not hundreds of positive reviews on Amazon. I know you do get many positive reviews via e-Mail and I know you earned every positive comment.

I tend to communicate my positive feelings about people a lot. It is a habit that I developed as an Army Officer and mother. And it was good for both my soldiers and my children. Anyways I mean what I say but if I seem like I am flattering please tell me. Hopefully the review gets posted.

I intend to buy your other two paperbooks as well and will add positive reviews too.

I did another meditation and the focusing was better. I felt like crying afterwards. I read where you said to someone else that happens from not grounding. So I did a bit more trying to visualize what I had cleared as ash going down into the ground. Little be little. Day by day!

Now off to get work done.
Wishing you a great day!

EMAIL NOW!! To Buy Five Video Levels of the Energy Enhancement Course.

SPECIAL OFFER!!! Live Energy Enhancement Courses in Iguazu

Energy Enhancement Video Meditation Course Level One!! - 26 hours of Video Tuition and the permission to email questions to Satchidanand.

Free!! Email Question and Answer with Satchidanand

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The Energy Enhancement Streaming Video Course has never been cheaper.

This is the time to buy All Five Levels and Save!!

EMAIL NOW!! To Buy Five Video Levels of the Energy Enhancement Course.

Energy Enhancement Skype Reiki Initiations with Swami Devi Dhyani


I think this Energy Enhancement Inner Circle Skype Mentoring/Coaching Program Session idea is brilliant!

SPECIAL OFFER!!! You may be interested in our Incredible Price Reduction!! New!!
Three Month Four Level Live Course in Iguazu - Almost the Same Price Just a little more than the Present Two Level One Month Course!! For those people who have completed the Energy Enhancement Four Level Video Meditation Course..

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Free Accomodation with Air Conditioning
Free Vegetarian Food
Free Transport to and from Iguassu Airport
Free Transport to Iguazu Falls in both Brazil and Argentina
Four Levels of Energy Enhancement
The removal of Energy Blockages
The Process of Enlightenment,

My job is to try to present to you the truth as best as I can distinguish it.

The intelligence process goes through what is called the “Four A's”: Acquisition, Analysis, Acceptance, Action.

The first one is “getting the data/info”. The second one means making sense of it and presenting it to your “client” (in this case: all of you). The third one is always overlooked: acceptance by the “client” – i.e., the willingness to hear the analysis. This is the part which YOU (collective “you”) must do.

Last is action.

The actions I recommend are the avoidance of poison, and the active getting the poison out of the body, physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually with
the Energy Enhancement Four Level Video Meditation Course... Deprogram, Become normal. Spread the plan.


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